1100 IP Address 1101 Authentication 1102 User ID 1103 Date 1104 Method 1105 Request URI 1106 Extension 1107 Additional Info 1108 Protocol 1109 Status Code 1110 Bytes Transfered 1111 Number of Seconds 1112 Time 1113 GMT Time 1115 GMT Date 1116 HTTP accept header 1117 HTTP Header date 1118 HTTP Header if-modified-since 1119 HTTP Header referer 1120 HTTP Header user-agent 1121 HTTP Header authorization 1122 Request uri 1123 Method ditto 1124 Request URI ditto 1125 Extension Duplicate ditto 1126 Additional Info ditto 1127 Protocol ditto 1128 Date 1129 Time 1130 Type of Error 1131 Messages 1132 Unknown 1133 Message Web Log Warning 1134 Input '%s' cannot be Empty ! 1135 Invalid '%s' ! 1136 From Date cannot be larger than To Date 1137 Input Directory doesn't exist ! 1138 From Day 1139 From Month 1140 From Year 1141 To Day 1142 To Month 1143 To Year 1145 Web Log 1150 Web Log Path is too long for Server Name to hold. 1151 Please select a network share point. 1152 Path in server name doesn't exist. 1161 Client Host 1162 User Name 1163 Log Date 1164 Log Time 1165 Service 1166 Machine 1167 Server IP 1168 Processing Time 1169 Bytes Received 1170 Bytes Sent 1171 Service Status 1172 Win32 Status 1173 Operation 1174 Target 1175 Parameters 1176 Other Info